Monday, May 12, 2008

Vedic Gems - Time is NOW !

Vedic Gems 11th May 2008
Time is NOW

Nabho Na Rupam Jarima Minati Pura Tasya Abhishasteradhihi II
Rig Veda, 1.71.10

As a Form is made dim by the mist, likewise the ageing process diminishes us. Let us therefore arrive to the Truth before we age
(free translation)

In our daily routine life, most of our time is spent in a mechanical non-aware way. We get sucked up in our daily life. The net value addition to our life mission is nil or very minimal. However, we get older every passing day. By the time we realise that there is no real meaning to our life, we are already old. Very little can be done when we are old. We lose a very important opportunity of our life to progress in our spiritual path.

We need to take a P A U S E from our daily routine life. Do introspection. Have a realistic ‘stock taking’ of our priorities, achievements, goals, engagements, needs, value system and the understanding our mission in this life. The time is N O W. It is our life. There is no point in giving excuses for getting ‘stuck’ in the rut. To whom are we pleading ? There is nobody there. There is no benefit from being ‘defensive’ or apologetic about our life. We need to A C T. Make necessary C O R R E C T I O N S in our path. We may have to take some HARD DECISIONS.

This is NOT a call towards practicing any religion or spirituality. This is not a call to be pious, make prayers, attend temples and churches, read scriptures, do charity, perform austerity etc. This is a call to our INNERSELF which is getting suffocated in our ROUTINE life. The TRUTH spoken of is not related to any GOD or GURU. It is the truth of our inner being. The very purpose of our birth on this beautiful planet is to realise and experience this inner truth.

The time is now.


P A Ramchandra said...

You are truly blessed with sacred knowledge and it is a boon to the uninitiated. 'Salvation is here and now' is indeed an emancipating mantra.

AP said...

nice one !