Monday, May 12, 2008

Vedic Gems - Joy of Life

Vedic Gems 11th May 2008
Joy of Life

Aa Vartanim Madhuna Jinvathaspatho drutim Vahethe madhumantamashvina
Rig Veda, 4.45.3

With thy honey you gladden the movements and its paths; full of honey, O Ashwins, is the skin that your bear
(free translation)

Is our life a drab, dull, monotonous living full of hard work, duties, obligations, austerities, uncertainties, vulnerabilities ? The joy in our life is always some fleeting moments ‘grabbed’ from outside situations. More importantly, does the holy, pious, religious life denote lack of joyous moments ? The above verse from Rigveda is in answer to this question.

Ashwins are the Lords of Bliss. They bring the ‘DELIGHT OF LIFE’ for us on earth. The joy which they bring is given the metaphor of honey. Like honey, they bring the sweet joy of our journey towards immortality. And this joy is not some fleeting moments, but never-ending flow of honey. Their container of honey never gets exhausted.

We are able to enjoy this honey on our journey when clean the inner altar, put Agni in front and in full awareness and in divine light make our progress. This is the pure joy. It is Bliss.

Iiyate Vishwam Anu Swadhaya Chetathaspathah I
Rig Veda, 4.45.6
By force of Nature’s own laws , you (Ashwins) move consciously along all paths.
(free translation)
The lords of bliss are not only confined to our highest summit of our mind far away from our so called ‘ordinary’ world activities. The highest pinnacle of our mind is only the starting point for Lords of Bliss. As we integrate and harmonise all our activities from different parts of our being into the light of our inner and higher Soul, as we cleanse our alter and put Agni in front, as we move along many sided activities of our life, the JOY OF LIFE, the Honey is poured in it. Our everyday life then becomes full of joy. All parts of our being enjoy our journey on the path to immortality. Every aspect of our life, even the most trivial aspect, is full of joy.

Pra Vamavochmashwina dhyamdha rathah swashvo ajaro yo asti I
Yen sadyah pari rajamsi yatho havishmantam tarani bhojamacha II
Rig Veda, 4.45.7
I have declared, O Ashwins, holding the Thought in me, your chariot that is undecaying and drawn by perfect steeds; your chariot by which you move at once over all the worlds towards the enjoyment rich in offerings that makes through the goal.
(free translation)

This chariot of Ashwins, the Lords of Bliss, does not decay with the passage of time. It is ever fresh and healthy. It is drawn by perfect seeds in the form of fully developed powers of life. This chariot of the Lords of Bliss moves over all the ranges of the being of man. We enjoy life at every level of our existence. Soma is purified and distilled wine. It is a metaphor for pure joy. This joy is purified of all the toxic emotions.

In this joyful way, as cleared by the Lords of Bliss, the man moves rapidly towards his life mission. Life becomes a journey full of bliss. Thus the man is rewarded by double bonus – he gets enjoyments on the way and he reaches his goal accurately and faster !

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