Monday, May 12, 2008

Vedic Gems - Divine Altar

Vedic Gems 11th May 2008
Divine Altar

Aram Krnvantu Vedim Samgrimindhtam Purah I
Tatramrutasys chetanam….. II
Rig Veda, 1.170.4

Let them make ready the altar, let them set Agni in blaze in front. It is there, the awaking of the consciousness to Immortality.
(free translation)

We need to do the cleansing of our psyche of all the impurities. All the feelings of hatred, anguish, jealousy, hurt feelings, depressions, anxiety and suspicion act like the ‘toxic waste’ in our inner earth. Most of our energy is being ‘consumed’ by these demons. Very little of our energy takes us upwards. The problem is not the shortage of energy. It is of the wastage in wrong channels. The rudder of our ship is in the hands of our emotional sub-personalities riding on variety of emotions as mentioned above. If we need to steer our ship to our life mission, we need to TAKE CHARGE. We need to clean the altar of our inner temple of soul. We need to restore the sanctity of our inner altar.

We need to make the Agni blaze in from of our life boat. Agni is the Divine Force of our life. When we clean the altar and put Agni in front then we truly awake our consciousness to immortality. All the impurities get burnt in Agni. He is the great purifier. We then realise our divine self – the God within us. Agni is the divine priest who initiates and conducts the Yagnya of our life. He is the great transforming agent. Our life becomes full of divine light.

It is not enough to have silent armchair meditation on divine. We need to ACT. Agni is FORCE OF OUR ACTION. He is the energy as well as the charioteer of our journey. We need to consciously, with full awareness and with purity of our inner altar, perform actions in our life. This is Yagna or our life. When we do this, Agni takes charge. He gets into the front of our chariot.

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